
Mother of three T-Rexes as fearsome as adorable, I am 35 years old and I work as a freelance journalist, in Switzerland but also and especially everywhere else. The adventure of parenthood that I had the pleasure of discovering for the first time in December 2014 and my love of writing have pushed me to share with you my experiences and my daily moods.
The idea of starting a blog germinated when my first little boy was born, then with the return to work and the daily grind, I put the project aside. I finally decided to take the plunge with the arrival of my 2nd little treasure.
Since the fall of 2023, we have been living an atypical life on the road. We decided to leave everything behind to fully enjoy our children and open them up to the beauty of travel and exchanges between cultures.
So here you will find publications on our travels, guides and tips for discovering gems with the family, ideas for excursions but also recipe suggestions or mood pieces to open the discussion on themes related to parenting or other subjects that are close to my heart.
Welcome !